Santa Clara University
Religious Studies Department, SCU
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  Course Description

This course will focus on the characteristics of the ancient Judeo-Christian literary genre "apocalypse."  We will begin by exploring the literary precursors to the apocalyptic genre in ancient Israel, Babylon, Persia and Greece.  With the help of contemporary studies of millennnial groups, we will discuss the social forces that contribute to the growth of apocalyptic movements.  Then we will turn to classical apocalyptic works to see how and why the literature developed and eventually died out.  The course will conclude with some attention to recent literature and movements.  Students will develop appreciation for the features of apocalyptic literature, its characteristic motifs and themes, the social origins of apocalyptic movements, and the various ways that apocalyptic themes are interpreted as cultural resources today.

How to Use this Web Site

The tabs at the left guide you to course resources.  Use them to access directions, schedules, research tools and grades throughout the quarter, as needed.  The Class Prep pages provide introductions to each day's readings and questions you will be expected to prepare in advance of each class, along with exercises that will reinforce in-class work and prepare you for quizzes and exams.
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