Santa Clara University
Religious Studies Department, SCU
Class Prep
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There are three assignments for this course that require work outside of class: the Archaeology Project, the Focus Group Presentation, and the Research Paper. Directions for these follow; identical directions for the Focus Group Presentation are also available from the Presentations tab to the left.
If you are interested in writing an extra credit report, use the link to the left for directions and a list of eligible events.
Archaeology Project Focus Group Presentation Research Paper

Archaeology Project

A natural starting point for studying the Dead Sea Scrolls is to study the archaeology of the caves and the nearby ruins at Wadi Qumran. This web project will introduce you to the archaeological evidence and will ask you to work with your partner to make several deductions from the evidence.
During the second week of class, you will be asked to choose a partner with whom to work. Three classes will be devoted to the initial stages of the project, so that you can ask questions of the professor while becoming familiar with the nature of the project. The project is divided into an Introduction and seven project pages. The project pages guide you through the evidence and ask you to draw conclusions based on them. Each project page has specific questions you and your partner will need to answer and write up. Whichever of the questions you do not complete in the three class periods will need to be completed outside of class.
It is strongly recommended that you work through the topics in their natural sequence. The pages are designed to take ½-hour each, so you should be able to work through roughly 2-3 during each class day. We will meet for class in the Varsi Media Lab on the first project day.
To prepare your written results, use the Style Sheet for formatting directions, and identify each "page" or section of the project by using the page numbers and titles as your headers. The paper is worth 10% of your grade, or 10 points.

Focus Group Presentation

The Focus Group Presentation is an opportunity for a small group of two students to examine an aspect of the impact of the Dead Sea Scrolls and to lead a discussion on questions that arise from your research.
Preparation for the Presentation
Group Meeting
You and your partner shall meet at least two weeks before your presentation to divide responsibilities for and to plan their presentation. Responsibilities include 1) reading both the assigned material and a small amount of additional background material which the professor will assign and make available, 2) dividing responsibilities for the presentation itself (preparation of the handout, posting of questions for discussion, delegating roles for oral presentation). After dividing responsibilities, you and your partner should plan to meet once more after you have both completed the reading to discuss the topic and to generate the content of your handout and presentation.
The Handout should be an outline that introduces the issue you have chosen, presents various perspectives on it, indicates clearly what makes the issue provocative for contemporary Jews and/or Christians, lists two discussion questions, and provides a bibliography of the sources you used. Always integrate phrases and quotations from the primary texts, or at least citations that others can look up, to illustrate any claims you make. The handout should be typed, with your group's name and the date in an upper corner of the paper and the title of your presentation centered underneath. The handout should be one full page-to-two pages, no longer. If you can deliver this handout to the professor at least two hours before your presentation, she will duplicate it for the class.
Post your Questions Online
Your group is required to post a simple form of your questions at the Course ERes site one full day before your presentation. In this way, other students will have an opportunity to think about your questions before class and therefore participate in the discussion more easily.
In order to post your questions on the Course ERes Site:
  • go to the ERes page
  • click on Discussion Board in the upper right corner
  • select your Dialogue Group Presentation
  • select "Post a New Message"
  • and then type your 2-4 brief questions in the pop-up window
The Format for the Presentation
Your group will decide the format of your presentation. It is recommended that you spend at least 15 minutes introducing your issue and its impact, and at least 15 minutes facilitating a discussion about the questions your group raised. Presentations will not exceed 40 minutes.
Evaluation of Participants
Grades will be assigned to the entire group regardless of the relative efforts contributed by individual members. Thus is it the group members' responsibility to distribute the work fairly and to encourage each other's progress. The grade will be based on the quality of the written handout and questions, the promptness of posting questions online, and the clarity with which group members guided discussion of the questions and responded to the comments made by other students. The assignment is 10 points, or 10% of your grade.
There are a lot of skills that go into good group preparation and oral discussion. Some people will be more or less able to do this. The important thing is not to be good, but to become better.

Research Paper

The research paper is a 10-12 page study that will explore some aspect of the impact of the Dead Sea Scrolls. You are free to choose any topic, as long as it is not the topic your focus group presented. The Research tab to the left provides some sample topics, but you are free to develop any topic you like in consultation with the professor. Whatever topic you choose, it is intended to provide you with your own line of inquiry into the material we are covering in class, and in this way to function as a capstone for the course.
In addition to the topics, the Research link also has research tips, advice on writing with integrity, a style sheet for all formatting questions, Scripture Tools, Exegesis tools for close study of texts, and a link to, where you will submit an electronic copy of your final paper. All students will be expected to read these materials and use them in their research and writing.
You will be required to submit your topic statement and intended sources in the 3rd week. The topic statement should have the usual personal information in an upper corner (see the Style Sheet), and 2 other parts:

  • a 1-3 sentence statement of the topic you intend to examine and, if you have one, your working hypothesis or questions, and
  • a list of the sources you intend to use. These sources should be typed up as bibliographic entries; see Style Sheet for directions on the proper format.
In addition to the topic statement, you will be required to submit an outline in the 6th week and to meet with the professor in the 7th week to discuss your topic and your progress on it (click here for the Schedule of Conversations). The outline should be 1-2 pages and should indicate clearly how you will develop the various sections of your paper. Be sure to include a section for your introduction and conclusion. Whatever type of main points you introduce, you should include in your outline subpoints that indicate how you will develop the main point. What proofs (citations from sources, logical arguments) will you adduce to demonstrate your ideas, and what order will you follow to develop the section? The outline is a map laying out the logic of your paper.
During the ninth week of the quarter, you will be required to submit two copies of the final paper: a paper copy in class, and an electronic copy to The paper copy must be submitted in a folder with all of the final stages included (only originals with professor's comments please). This assignment counts for 25% of your grade, or 25 points. Your grade will be based on several factors:

  • scope and comprehension of your sources and topic
  • control of your paper (too many of other peoples' quotes strung together does not constitute research; you need to think about your topic and present it in an argument and manner that advances your thinking on the subject)
  • appropriate integration of sources with complete citation (see Style Sheet)
    The use of others' work without citation constitutes plagiarism and will result in an F on the assignment and for the course and further action by the Office of Student Life and Leadership.
  • presentation in a manner consistent with the Style Sheet (correct citation format for footnotes and bibliography, proper margins and typeface, accurate grammar and spelling)
Further instructions about the presentation of written work for long projects like this and for short projects are posted at the Style Sheet, available from the Research link to the left.