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Santa Clara University
Religious Studies Department, SCU
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  List of Readings on Camino and their Sources

The required course readings that aren't in our textbooks can all be found on the course Camino page in the "Required Readings" folder. Below is a list of them, with their full bibliographic citations. Each of the readings on the linked list is available in 2 formats so that you can access it in whatever manner is most convenient:
  • In electronic form via Camino .  Be sure your computer has the latest version of Adobe Acrobat, then click on the article at the course syllabus on Camino (or go to the Files tab and find it in the Required Readings folder).  

  • In hard copy from the source book or journal.  In most cases, the source book or journal has also been placed on hard-copy reserve at Orradre.  Use the list to identify the source book, then look it up on our course Library Reserve site to get the call number, and finally request that call number from the circulation staff.
In addition, the Camino files tab has a folder of Research Materials, articles that aren't in our library that might be useful for your research. They're listed on the pages following the required readings in the list below. Safari and Internet Explorer allow viewing of embedded pdfs like the file below. Firefox 4.x does not yet, although earlier versions of Firefox do allow pdf viewing (here are two sources for the plug-in: Mozilla and firefox-mac-pdf).

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