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Israel: Justice in the Middle East
The Wall separating Israel from Occupied Palestine We have read a variety of classic Jewish biblical texts illustrating diverse views of order and divine justice.  We have analyzed how the elasticity of these texts over the early centuries allowed new additions and interpretations to fit new historical circumstances.   Leap ahead now 2000 years to the first independent Jewish state since the Roman subjugation of Judea.  The State of Israel was created out of territories under British Mandate after the fall of the Ottoman Empire. The U.N. partition plan had always envisioned two states side by side: one for Israelis, and one for Palestinians (see Maps, pdf 58KB). But when Israel was created in 1948, the surrounding nations attacked immediately and lost badly. The result was a larger state of Israel and no Palestinian state. Rather, some Palestinians found themselves in Israel, and others in the expanded states of Syria, Jordan and Egypt (again, see Maps).
Jewish Men Praying at the Western Wall of Temple Mount, Jerusalem In 1967, the situation changed dramatically again. A war between Israel and Syria-Jordan-Egypt resulted in a crushing and quick defeat for the Arab nations and the Israeli occupation of parts of their land (the Golan Heights of Syria, the West Bank of Jordan, and the Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula of Egypt; see Maps). The occupied territories included the ancient capital, Jerusalem (In the photo to the left, Jewish men are praying at the retaining wall of the ancient Temple Mount). The reconquest of all of King David's original empire led some Israelis to believe that it was their destiny to retain the occupied lands. Since then, Israel has cemented its hold on these territories through a slow process of building Jewish settlements in them, and, most recently, constructing a wall along the borders ostensibly to keep terrorists out (see the picture at the top of the page).
Rosemary Radford Ruether is a feminist theologian at Garrett Evangelical Seminary in a north Chicago suburb. She has long been involved in the struggle for justice in Israel; three of her most important works address the question (see the list below). As you review the timeline (pdf 15KB) and maps and read the text of her talk, make a list of the issues related to justice and how she connects these to religious faith.
Assigned Readings
Secondary: Maps & Timeline (here rather than on ERes); Ruether talk, "The Oslo 'Peace Process' and the Betrayal of Peace"; online class prep
Further Reading
Ateek, Naim, Mark H. Ellis and Rosemary Radford Ruether, eds.  Faith and the Intifada: Palestinian Christian Voices.  Maryknoll, New York: Orbis, 1992.
Ruether, Rosemary Radford.  The Wrath of Jonah: The Crisis of Religious Nationalism in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.  New York: Harper & Row, 1989.
Ruether, Rosemary Radford and Mark H. Ellis, eds.  Beyond Occupation: American Jewish, Christian, and Palestinian Voices for Peace.  Boston: Beacon, 1990.
  • General Information

  • For background on Zionism
    • The World Zionist Organization, as defined by the Jewish Virtual Library (a division of the American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise).
    • Homeward Bound - The Zionist Movement Pavilion of the Zionist Exhibition, sponsored by Hagshama: Department of the World Zionist Organization.
    • Israel and Zionism - The Pedagogic Center of the Department for Jewish Zionist Education; maps, timelines, important names, but only current to 1997.

  • Jewish views of the Occupation
    • Brit Tzedek vShalom - "Covenant of Justice and Peace," an American Jewish group that supports the restoration of the occupied territories to the Palestinians.
    • Communities in Yesha and the Jordan Valley - A settler group maintains this site in support of the settlers.
    • Gush Emunim - as described by University of Calgary Religious Studies Professor Eliezer Segal, for his course, Judaism in the Modern World.
    • Temple Mount and Eretz Yisrael Faithful Movement - One of many movements interested in preparing the way for the messiah by rebuilding the Jewish Temple on the site where it once stood -- where the Moslem Dome of the Rock, the third holiest site in Sunni Islam, stands.
    • The Temple Institute - Also interested in rebuilding the Temple.

  • Islamic groups concerned about Temple Mount
    • Al-Aqsa Association - Muslim association linked to the radical wing of the Islamic Movement in Israel.
    • Al Nakba (the cataclysm) - Palestinian web site detailing the history of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory.
  • "The Wall": Lynsey Addario/Corbis, for The New York Times; printed in article by David Rieff, "Arafat among the Ruins," New York Times Magazine, 25 April 2004, online,

  • "Jewish Men Praying at Western Wall": C. Murphy, "Men's Section of Western Wall, Temple Mount, Jerusalem (O-196)," 1994. >/

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