Modernized Monk
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Religious Studies Department, SCU
Sacred Texts Online
Bible Research Writing Style Sheet Bible Tools Exegesis
  Online Texts & How to Cite Them

There are three recommended online Bibles. The first two provide access to dozens of different versions/translations, such as the NRSV or the Good News Bible:

The third online Bible is the official Catholic translation: The video above shows you how to use for our class.

If you are in a class that includes Islam and the Qur'an, the version that we are using in class is available online.

Citation Guide for Online Bibles

If you use the online Bibles mentioned above in your research, you need to cite them as you would any book. The following pdf document links walk you through the process of finding the publication information you'll need for the online version of the Bible you use. If you use the online Qurʾān, please cite it as follows:
How to Format a Qur'an Citation

Guidance for citing print versions of the Bible and the Qurʾān can be found on the Style Sheet.
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