Santa Clara University
Religious Studies Department, SCU
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The Jewish & Christian Revelations in Islam
Garden of Gethsemane, Jewish cemetery outside Golden Gate, Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem We have begun to discuss the fact that Mohammed considered his message to be the same one revealed by Allah to all of the Jewish ancestors and prophets as well as to Jesus.  Thus, wherever Jewish and Christian teachings diverge from the Qur'anic revelations, Mohammed thought the reason was corruption in the other religious traditions; they had strayed from the original message Allah had given them.
Because Mohammed had many encounters with Jews and Christians, and because his belief was that they shared the same message, the Qur'an has much to say about these other monotheistic traditions.  The readings for today are just a few of the many passages that could be read about Jewish figures such as Adam, Noah, Moses, David and Ezra, and Christian figures such as Jesus and Mary.
  1. As you read, recall what we read in the Jewish and Christian scriptures about Abraham, Moses and Jesus, and make a list that looks like this:

    Abraham Moses Jesus
    In the Bible      
    Not in the Bible      

    Fill in the list with stories you find about Jesus and Moses.  Since Mohammed could not read, we will need to discuss how he knew about stories in the Jewish and Christian Bibles; and since some of these stories are not in the Bible at all, we will need to discuss where Mohammed might have gotten them.

  2. As you read the accounts of Mohammed, try to determine how he is similar to and different from Abraham, Moses and Jesus.
Assigned Readings
Primary: Qur'an surahs 2:144-150; 5 (all); 25:1-9; 41:1-32; 3:1-9; 4:105-126; Abraham: 26:69-122 (cf. Gen 12:1-9); Moses: 7:138-147 (cf. Exod 14—15; 19—20); Jesus: 3:31-63; 4:153-162, 171-173; review 5:109-120; 17:111
Secondary: Review pp. 19-20 of 4/8 article, Esposito, "Mohammed and the Quran: Messenger and Message" (ERes); online class prep
Further Reading
Coulson, Noel J.  A History of Islamic Law, Islamic Surveys 2.  Edinburgh: University Press, 1964.
Khalidi, Tarif, ed. and trans.  The Muslim Jesus: Sayings and Stories in Islamic Literature, Convergences: Inventories of the Present.  Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 2001.
Kuschel, Karl-Josef.  Abraham: Sign of Hope for Jews, Christians, and Muslims.  New York: Continuum, 1995.
Nasr, Seyyed H.  Three Muslim Sages: Avicenna, Suhrawardi, Ibn 'Arabi, Harvard Studies in World Religions.  Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1964.
Vroom, Hendrik M. and Jerald D. Gort, ed.  Holy Scriptures in Judaism, Christianity and Islam: Hermeneutics, Values and Society.  Amsterdam/Atlanta: Rodopi, 1997.
Photograph: C. Murphy, "The Golden Gate and the Dome of the Rock, from Gethsemane, Jerusalem (O-160)," 1994.
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