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  Literary Theory &
Biblical Interpretation
Historical Studies in
Classical & Christian Antiquity
  Feminist Theory Queer Theory
  Feminist Studies in
Religion & Theology
Queer Studies in
Religion & Theology
  Masculinity Studies
& the Bible
& the Bible
  Feminist Interpretation
of Scripture
Queer Interpretation
of Scripture
  Jewish Ethics
& the Bible
Christian Ethics

Literary Theory and Biblical Interpretation
Barton, John, ed.  The Cambridge Companion to Biblical Interpretation, Cambridge Companions to Religion.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Bressler, Charles E.  Literary Criticism: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, 3rd ed.  Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2003.
McKnight, Edgar V.  "A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing: An Option in Contemporary New Testament Hermeneutics."  In The New Literary Criticism and the New Testament (ed. Edgar V. McKnight and Elizabeth Struthers Malbon; Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: Trinity Press International, 1994; original, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994) 326-47.
Phillips, Gary A.  "The Ethics of Reading Deconstructively, or Speaking Face-to-Face: The Samaritan Woman Meets Derrida at the Well."  In The New Literary Criticism and the New Testament (ed. Edgar V. McKnight and Elizabeth Struthers Malbon; Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: Trinity Press International, 1994; original, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994) 283-325.

Historical Studies in Classical & Christian Antiquity
Balch, David L. and Carolyn Osiek, eds.  Early Christian Families in Context.  Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans, 2003.
Boswell, John.  Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Westsern Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981.
--------.  Same-sex Unions in Premodern Europe.  New York: Vintage, 1995; original, New York: Villard, 1994.
Brooten, Bernadette J.  Love Between Women: Early Christian Responses to Female Homoreoticism, The Chicago Series on Sexuality, History, and Society.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998.
Brown, Peter.  The Body and Society: Men, Women, and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity, Lectures on the History of Religions n.s. 13.  New York: Columbia University Press, 1988.
Cantarella, Eva.  Bisexuality in the Ancient World, 2nd rev. ed., trans. Cormac O’Cuilleanain.  New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 2002.
Cantarella, Eva.  Pandora's Daughters: The Role and Status of Women in Greek and Roman Antiquity, trans. Maureen B. Fant; Ancient Society and History.  Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986.
Castelli, Elizabeth A.  "Heteroglossia, Hermeneutics, and History: A Review Essay of Recent Feminist Studies of Early Christianity."  JFSR 10:2 (1994.
Cohen, Shaye J. D., ed.  The Jewish Family in Antiquity, Brown Judaic Studies 289.  Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1993.
Corley, Kathleen E.  Women and the Historical Jesus; Feminist Myths of Christian Origins.  Santa Rosa, California: Polebridge, 2002.
Davidson, James.  Courtesans and Fishcakes: The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens.  New York: HarperCollins, 1997.
Dean-Jones, Lesley.  Women’s Bodies in Classical Greek Science.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.
Eisen, Ute E.  Women Officeholders in Early Christianity: Epigraphical and Literary Studies.  Wilmington, Delaware: Michael Glazier, 2000.
Faraone, Christopher A. and Laura K. McClure, eds.  Prostitutes and Courtesans in the Ancient World, Wisconsin Studies in Classics.  Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2006.
Gibson, Joan. “Could Christ Have Been Born a Woman? A Medieval Debate."  JFSR 8:1 (1992) 65-82.
Greene, Ellen.  The Erotics of Domination: Male Desire and the Mistress in Latin Love Poetry.  Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998.
Hallett, Judith P. and Marilyn B. Skinner.  Roman Sexualities.   Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1997.
Hubbard, Thomas K., ed.  Homosexuality in Greece and Rome: A Sourcebook of Basic Documents.  Berkeley: University of California Press, 2003.
Johnson, Marguerite and Terry Ryan.  Sexuality in Greek and Roman Literature and Society: A Sourcebook.  New York: Routledge, 2005.
Kraemer, Ross Shepard.  Her Share of the Blessings: Women’s Religions among Pagans, Jews, and Christians in the Greco-Roman World.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1992.
Kraemer, Ross Shepard, ed.  Maenads, Marytrs, Matrons, Monastics: A Sourcebook.  New York: Oxford University Pres, 2004; original, 1988.
Kraemer, Ross Shepard and Mary Rose D’Angelo, eds.  Women and Christian Origins.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Lefkowitz, Mary R. and Maureen B. Fant, eds.  Women's Life in Greece and Rome: A Source Book in Translation, 3rd ed.  Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.
Lipka, Hilary and Bruce Wells, eds.  Sexuality and Law in Torah, The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 675.  New York: T&T Clark, 2020.
MacDonald, Margaret Y.  Early Christian Women and Pagan Opinion: The Power of the Hysterical Woman.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Madigan, Kevin and Carolyn Osiek, ed.  Ordained Women in the Early Church: A Documentary History.  Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005.
McClure, Laura K., ed.  Sexuality and Gender in the Classical World: Readings and Sources, Interpreting Ancient History.  Indianapolis: Wiley-Blackwell, 2002.
Miller, Julie B.  "Eroticized Violence in Medieval Women’s Mystical Literature: A Call for a Feminist Critique."  JFSR 15:2 (1999) 25-49.
Moxnes, Halvor.  "Seeing with Families."  Biblical Interpretation 11:2 (2003) 115-17.
Moxnes, Halvor, ed.  Constructing Early Christian Families: Family as Social Reality and Metaphor.  New York: Routledge, 1997.
Nissinen, Martti.  Homoeroticism in the Biblical World: A Historical Perspective, trans. Kirsi Stjerna.  Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2004.
Osiek, Carolyn and Margaret Y. MacDonald, with Janet H. Tulloch.  A Woman's Place: House Churches in Earliest Christianity.  Minneapolis: Fortress, 2006.
Perdue, Leo G., Joseph Blenkinsopp, John J. Collins and Carol Meyers.  Families in Ancient Israel, The Family, Religion, and Culture.  Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1997.
Rawson, Beryl.  "’’The Roman Family’ in Recent Research: State of the Question."   Biblical Interpretation 11:2 (2003) 119-38.
Shaw, Teresa M.  The Burden of the Flesh: Fasting and Sexuality in Early Christianity.   Minneapolis: Fortress, 1998.
Skinner, Marilyn B.  Sexuality in Greek and Roman Culture, Ancient Cultures.  Indianapolis: Wiley-Blackwell, 2005.
Williams, Craig A.  Roman Homosexuality: Ideologies of Masculinity in Classical Antiquity, 2d ed.  New York: Oxford University Press, 2010; original, 1999.
Winter, Bruce W.  Roman Wives, Roman Widows: The Appearance of New Women and the Pauline Communities.  Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans, 2003.

Feminist Theory
Cixous, Hélène.  "The Laugh of the Medusa."  In Feminisms: An Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism (ed. Robyn R. Warhol and Diane Price Herndl; New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1997) 347-62.
Hawkesworth, Mary.  Feminist Inquiry: From Political Conviction to Methodological Innovation.  New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 2006.
hooks, bell.   Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black.  Boston: South End Press, 1989.
James, Stanlie M. and Busia, Abena P.A., eds.   Theorizing Black Feminisms: The Visionary Pragmatism of Black Women.  London: Routledge, 1993. Essays from the first Black Feminist Seminar, sponsored by the Afro-American Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, May 10-12, 1992.
Laqueur, Thomas.   Making Sex: Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud.   Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1992.
Minh-ha, Trinh T.   Woman, Native, Other: Writing Postcoloniality and Feminism.  Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1989.
Mohanty, Chandra Talpade.   Feminism without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity.  Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2003.
Rabinowitz, Nancy Sorkin and Amy Richlin, eds.   Feminist Theory and the Classics, Thinking Gender.  New York: Routledge, 1993.
Warhol, Robyn R. and Diane Price Herndl, eds.   Feminisms: An Anthology of Literary Theory and Criticism, rev. ed.  New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press, 1997.
Woolf, Virginia.   A Room of One’s Own (annotated), annotated and with an introduction by Susan Gubar; ed. Mark Hussey.  New York: Harvest, 2005.

Queer Theory
Butler, Judith P.  Bodies that Matter: On the Discursive Limits of Sex.   New York: Routledge, 1993.
Butler, Judith P.  Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity, Routledge Classics.  New York: Routledge, 2006; original, 1990.
--------.  Undoing Gender.   New York: Routledge, 2004.
Fausto-Sterling, Anne.  Myths of Gender: Biological Theories About Women and Men.  New York: Basic, 1992.
--------.  Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality.   New York: Basic Books, 2000.
Foucault, Michel.  The History of Sexuality, vol. 1, An Introduction.  New York: Vintage, 1990; French original, Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1976.
--------. The History of Sexuality, vol. 2, The Use of Pleasure.  New York: Vintage, 1990; French original, Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1984.
--------.  The History of Sexuality, vol. 3, The Care of the Self, trans. Robert Hurley.  New York: Vintage, 1990; French original, Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1984.
Halberstam, Judith.  In a Queer Time and Place: Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives, Sexual Cultures.  New York: New York University Press, 2005.
Jakobsen, Janet R.  "Queers Are Like Jews, Aren’t They? Analogy and Alliance Politics."  In Queer Theory and the Jewish Question (ed. Daniel Boyarin, Daniel Itzkovitz, and Ann Pellegrini; New York: Columbia University Press, 2003) 64-89.
Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky.  "Epistemology of the Closet."  In Queer Theory and the Jewish Question (ed. Daniel Boyarin, Daniel Itzkovitz and Ann Pellegrini; New York: Columbia University Press, 2003) 41-63.
Sullivan, Nikki.  A Critical Introduction to Queer Theory.  New York: New York University Press, 2003.

Feminist Studies in Religion & Theology
Ackelsberg, Martha A.  "Spirituality as a Resource for Activism."  JFSR 14:2 (1998) 132-8.
Althaus-Reid, Marcella and Lisa Isherwood.  Controversies in Feminist Theology, Controversies in Contextual Theology.  London: SCM, 2007.
Boyarin, Daniel.  "Gender."  In Critical Terms for Religious Studies (ed. Mark C. Taylor; Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998) 117-35.
Johnson, Jay Emerson.  "Faith Family Photo Albums: Reclaiming Theological Traditions in the Transgressive Blend of Text and Practice."  Theology and Sexuality 9:1 (2002)155-166.
Jonte-Pace, Diane.  "New Directions in the Feminist Psychology of Religion: An Introduction."  JFSR 13:1 (1997) 63-74.
Kanyoro, Musimbi R.A., ed.  In Search of a Round Table: Gender, Theology, and Church Leadership.  Geneva: Published for the Lutheran World Federation by WCC Publications, 1997.
Lelwica, Michelle M.  "From Superstition to Enlightenment to the Race for Pure Consciousness: Antireligious Currents in Popular and Academic Feminist Discourse."  JFSR 14:2 (1998) 108-123.
Martin, Joan M.  "The Notion of Difference for Emerging Womanist Ethics: The Writings of Audre Lorde and bell hooks."  JFSR 9:1-2 (1993) 39-51.
Richlin, Amy.  "Teaching Religion and Feminist Theory to a New Generation: A Response to Michelle Lelwica."  JFSR 14:2 (1998) 124-31.

Queer Studies in Religion & Theology
Althaus-Reid, Marcella and Lisa Isherwood, eds.  Controversies in Body Theology, Controversies in Contextual Theology.  London: SCM, 2007.
Heyward, Carter.  "Heterosexist Theology: Being Above It All."  JFSR 3:1 (1987) 29-38.
Jakobsen, Janet R. and Ann Pellegrini.  Love the Sin: Sexual Regulations and the Limits of Religious Tolerance, Sexual Cultures.  New York: New York University Press, 2003.
Johnson, Jay Emerson.  "Faith Family Photo Albums: Reclaiming Theological Traditions in the Transgressive Blend of Faith and Practice."  Theology and Sexuality 9:2 (2003) 155-66.
Jordan, Mark D.  Blessing Same-Sex Unions: The Perils of Queer Romance and the Confusions of Christian Marriage.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.
--------.  The Invention of Sodomy in Christian Theology, The Chicago Series on Sexuality, History and Society.  Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.
--------.  The Silence of Sodom: Homosexuality in Modern Catholicism.   Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2002.

Masculinity Studies & the Bible
Barreto, Eric D., Matthew L. Skinner and Steve Walton, eds.  Reading Acts in the Discourses of Masculinity and Politics, The Library of New Testament Studies 559. New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2017.
Moore, Stephen D.  "The Beatific Vision as a Posing Exhibition: Revelation's Hypermasculine Deity."  Journal for the Study of the New Testament 60 (1995) 27-55.
--------.  God's Gym: Divine Male Bodies of the Bible.  New York: Routledge, 1996.
--------.  " ‘‘O Man, Who Art Thou...?' Masculinity Studies and New Testament Studies."  In New Testament Masculinities (ed. Stephen D. Moore and Janice Capel Anderson; Atlanta/Leiden: Society of Biblical Literature E. J. Brill, 2003) 1-22.
--------.  "Taking It Like a Man: Masculinity in 4 Maccabees."  Journal of Biblical Literature 117:2 (1998) 249-73.
Moore, Stephen D. and Janice Capel Anderson.  "Matthew and Masculinity."  In New Testament Masculinities (ed. Stephen D. Moore and Janice Capel Anderson; Atlanta/Leiden: Society of Biblical Literature E. J. Brill, 2003) 67-91.
Moore, Stephen D. and Janice Capel Anderson, eds.  New Testament Masculinities, Semeia Studies.  Atlanta/Leiden: Society of Biblical Literature /E. J. Brill, 2003.

"Homosexuality" and the Bible
Balch, David L., ed.  Homosexuality, Science, and the "Plain Sense" of Scripture.  Grand Rapids, Michigan: Wm. B. Eerdmans, 1999.
Brooten, Bernadette J.  "Patristic Interpretations of Romans 1:26."  In Studia Patristica XVIII, vol. 1, Historica–Theologica–Gnostica–Biblica, Papers of the Ninth International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oxford, 1983 (ed. Elizabeth A. Livingston; Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian Publications, 1985) 287-91.
--------.  "Paul's Views on the Nature of Women and Female Homoeroticism."  In Homosexuality and Religion in Philosophy (ed. Wayne R. Dynes and Stephen Donaldson; Studies in Homosexuality 12; New York: Garland, 1992) 57-83; originally published in Immaculate and Powerful: The Female in Sacred Image and Social Reality (ed. Clarissa W. Atkinson, Constance Buchanan and Margaret R. Miles; Boston: Beacon, 1985) 61-87.
Brownson, James V.  Bible, Gender, Sexuality: Reframing the Church's Debate on Same-Sex Relationships.  Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 2013.
Dershowitz, Idan.  "Revealing Nakedness and Concealing Homosexual Intercourse: Legal and Lexical Evolution in Leviticus 18."  Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 6:4 (2017) 510-526.
Gagnon, Robert A. J.  The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Texts and Hermeneutics.  Nashville: Abingdon, 2002.
Gnuse, Robert Karl.  Trajectories of Justice: What the Bible Says about Slaves, Women, and Homosexuality.  Eugene, Oregon: Cascade, 2015.
Good, D. J.  "Reading Strategies for Biblical Passages on Same-Sex Relations."  Theology and Sexuality 4:9 (1997)70-82.
Guest, P. Deryn.  "Battling for the Bible: Academy, Church and the Gay Agenda."  Theology and Sexuality 15 (2001) 66-93. [check bibliographic record]
--------.  When Deborah Met Jael: Lesbian Biblical Hermeneutics.  London: SCM, 2005.
Hays, Richard B.  "Relations Natural and Unnatural: A Response to John Boswell’s Exegesis of Romans 1."  Journal of Religious Ethics 14:1 (1986) 184-215.
Helminiak, Daniel A.  What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality.   Tajique, New Mexico: Alamo Square Press, 1994.
Lyons, William John.  "’Outing’ Qoheleth: On the Search for Homosexuality in the Wisdom Tradition."  Theology and Sexuality 12:1 (2006) 181-201.
Miller, James E.  "The Practices of Romans 1:26: Homosexual or Heterosexual?"  Novum Testamentum 37:1 (1995) 1-11.
Parker, Simon B.  "The Hebrew Bible and Homosexuality."  Quarterly Review 11 (1991) 4-19.
Schmidt, Thomas E.  "Act and Orientation in Romans 1:26-27."  Journal of Psychology and Christianity 15:4 (1996) 293-300.
Scroggs, Robin.  The New Testament and Homosexuality.  Philadelphia: Fortress, 1983.
Szesnat, Holger.  "In Fear of Androgyny: Theological Reflections on Masculinity and Sexism, Male Homosexuality and Homophobia, Romans 1:24-27 and Hermeneutics (A Response to Alexander Venter)."  Journal of Theology for Southern Africa 93 (1995) 32-50.
Seow, Choon-Leong.  Homosexuality and Christian Community.  Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1996.
Soards, Marion L.  Scripture and Homosexuality: Biblical Authority and the Church Today.  Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1995.
Ward, Roy Bowen.  "Why Unnatural?  The Tradition behind Romans 1:26-27."  Harvard Theological Review 90:3 (1997) 263-84.
Wernik, Uri.  "Will the Real Homosexual in the Bible Please Stand Up?"   Theology and Sexuality 11:3 (2005) 47-64.

Feminist Interpretation of Scripture
General Studies & Resources
Aschkenasy, Nehama.  Woman at the Window: Biblical Tales of Oppression and Escape.  Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1998.
Bach, Alice.  Women, Seduction, and Betrayal in Biblical Narrative.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Bal, Mieke.  Lethal Love: Feminist Literary Readings of Biblical Love Stories.   Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987.
Beal, Timothy and David M. Gunn, eds.  Reading Bibles, Writing Bodies: Identity and the Book, Biblical Limits.  New York: Routledge, 1996.
Bird, Phyllis A.  Faith, Feminism, and the Forum of Scripture: Essays on Biblical Theology and Hermeneutics.  Eugene, Oregon: Cascade, 2015.
Bird, Phyllis A., ed.  Reading the Bible as Women: Perspective from Africa, Asia, Latin America, Semeia 78.  Atlanta: Scholars, 1997.
Brenner, Athalya.  The Intercourse of Knowledge: On Gendering Desire and "Sexuality" in the Hebrew Bible.  Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016.
--------.  The Israelite Woman: Social Role and Literary Type in BIblical Narrative, T&T Clark Cornerstones.  New York: T&T Clark, 2015.
Brenner-Idan, Athalya.  The Israelite Woman: Social Role and Literary Type in Biblical Narrative, T&T Clark Cornerstones.  New York: Bloomsbury, 2015.
Brenner, Athalya, ed.  Feminist Companion to the Bible Series (multiple titles).  Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press.
Byron, Gay L. and Vanessa Lovelace, eds.  Womanist Interpretations of the Bible: Expanding the Discourse.  Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016.
Cahill, Lisa Sowle. “Sex and Gender Ethics as New Testament Ethics.” In The Bible in Ethics: The Second Sheffield Colloquium (ed. John W. Rogerson, Margaret Davies and M. Daniel Carroll R.; JSOTSup 207; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995) 272-95.
Camp, Claudia V.  Wise, Strange and Holy: The Strange Woman and the Making of the Bible, JSOTSup 320/Gender, Culture, Theory 9.  Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2000.
Castelli, Elizabeth A.  "Les belles infidèles/Fidelity or Feminism? The Meaning of a Feminist Biblical Translation."  JFSR 6:2 (1990) 25-39.
Cheney, Emily.  She Can Read: Feminist Reading Strategies for Biblical Narrative.  Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: Trinity Press International, 1996.
Claassens, L. Juliana and Carolyn J. Sharp, eds.  Feminist Frameworks and the Bible: Power, Ambiguity, and Intersectionality,, Librayr of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 630.  New York: T&T Clark, 2017.
Crisp, Beth R.  "Reading Scripture from a Hermeneutic of Rape."  Theology and Sexuality 7:3 (2001) 23-42.
Davies, Eryl W.  The Dissenting Reader: Feminist Approaches to the Hebrew Bible.  Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate, 2003.
Day, Linda and Carolyn Pressler, eds.  Engaging the Bible in a Gendered World: An Introduction to Feminist Biblical Interpretation in Honor of Katharine Doob Sakenfeld.  Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2006.
DeConick, April.  Holy Misogyny: Why the Sex and Gender Conflicts in the Early Church Still Matter.  New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013.
Ebeling, Jennie R.  Women's Lives in Biblical Times.  New York: T&T Clark, 2010.
Exum, J. Cheryl.  "The Ethics of Biblical Violence against Women."  In The Bible in Ethics: The Second Sheffield Colloquium (ed. John W. Rogerson, Margaret Davies and M. Daniel Carroll R.; JSOTSup 207; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1995) 248-71.
--------.  Fragmented Women: Feminist (Sub)versions of Biblical Narratives, T&T Clark Cornerstones.  New York: T&T Clark, 2015.
Fuchs, Esther.  Feminist Theory and the Bible: Interrogating the Sources, Feminist Studies and Sacred Texts.  Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016.
--------.  "Men in Biblical Feminist Scholarship."  JFSR 19:2 (2003) pages.
Glahn, Sandra, ed.  Vindicating the Vixens: Revisiting Sexualized, Vilified, and Marginalized Women of the Bible.  Grand Rapids, Michigan: Kregel, 2017.
Halvorson-Taylor, Martien A. and Katherine E. Southwood, eds.  Women and Exilic Identity in the Hebrew Bible, Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 631.  New York: T&T Clark, 2017.
Haynes, Stephen R. and McKenzie, Steven L., eds.  To Each Its Own Meaning: An Introduction to Biblical Criticisms and Its Application.   Louisville: Westminster/John Knox Press, 1993.
Junior, Nyasha.  An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation.   Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2015.
Kwok Pui-lan.  Discovering the Bible in the Non-biblical World.  Maryknoll, New York: Orbis, 1995; Eugene, Oregon: Wipf and Stock, 2003.
Kwok Pui-lan and Elisabeth Schussler-Fiorenza, eds.  Women's Sacred Scriptures.  Maryknoll, New York: Orbis Books, 1998.
Lambert, Jean C.  "An ‘F Factor’? The New Testament in Some White, Feminist, Christian Theological Construction."  JFSR 1:2 (1985) 93-113.
Levine, Amy-Jill.  "Gender, Judaism, and Literature: Unwelcome Guests in Household Configurations."  Biblical Interpretation 11:2 (2003) 239-46.
Levine, Amy-Jill.  Women Like This. New Perspectives on Jewish Women in the Greco-Roman World.  Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1991.
Martin, Clarice J.  "Womanist Interpretations of the New Testament: The Quest for Holistic and Inclusive Translation and Interpretation."  JFSR 6:2 (1990) 41-61.
Martin, Dale B., ed.  The Cultural Turn in Late Ancient Studies: Gender, Asceticism, and Historiography.  Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2005.
Meyers, Carol, ed.  Women in Scripture: A Dictionary of Named and Unnamed Women in the Hebrew Bible, the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books, and the New Testament.  Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans, 2000.
Milne, Pamela J.  "The Patriarchal Stamp of Scripture."  JFSR 5:1 (1989) 17-34.
Murphy, Cullen.  The Word According to Eve: Women and the Bible in Ancient Times and Our Own.  Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1998.
O’Brien, Julia M., ed.  The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Bible and Gender Studies, Oxford Encyclopedias of the Bible, 2 vols.  New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Osiek, Carolyn.  "Pietas in and out of the Frying Pan."  Biblical Interpretation 11:2 (2003) 166-72.
Russaw, Kimberly D.  Daughters in the Hebrew Bible.  Lanham, Maryland: Lexington/Fortress Academic, 2018.
Rutledge, David.  Reading Marginally: Feminism, Deconstruction, and the Bible.  New York: Brill, 1996.
Schmitt, John J.  "God’s Wife: Some Gender Reflections on the Bible and Biblical Interpretation."  In Constructing and Reconstructing Gender: The Links among Communication, Language, and Gender (ed. Linda A. M. Perry, Lynn H. Turner and Helen M. Sterk; SUNY Series in Feminist Theory and Criticism; Albany: SUNY Press, 1992) 269-81.
Scholz, Susanne.  Introducing the Women's Hebrew Bible: Feminism, Gender Justice, and the Study of the Old Testament, rev. ed.  New York: Bloombsury, 2017; original, 2007.
--------.  "Review Essay: The Christian Right’s Discourse on Gender and the Bible."  JFSR 21:1 (2005) pages.
Schottroff, Luise, Silvia Schroer, and Marie-Theres Wacker.  Feminist Interpretation: The Bible in Women's Perspective, trans. Martin and Barbara Rumscheidt.  Minneapolis: Fortress, 1998.
Schulte, Leah Rediger.  The Absence of God in Biblical Rape Narratives, Emerging Scholars.  Minneapolis: Fortress, 2017.
Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth.  But She Said: Feminist Practices of Biblical Interpretation.  Boston: Beacon, 1992.
--------.  Feminist Biblical Studies in the Twentieth Century: Scholarship and Movement, The Bible and Women 9.1.  Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2014.
--------.  Searching the Scriptures: A Feminist Introduction, 2 vols.  New York: Crossroad, 1993.
--------.  Sharing her Word: Feminist Biblical Interpretation in Context.   Boston: Beacon Press, 1998.
Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth, ed.  Feminist Biblical Studies in the Twentieth Century: Scholarship and Movement, The Bible and Women 9.1.  Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2014.
Selvidge, Marla J.  Notorious Voices: Feminist Biblical Interpretation, 1550-1920.  New York: Continuum, 1996.
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady.  The Woman's Bible, Great Minds Series.   Amherst, New York: Prometheus Books, 1999.
Trible, Phyllis.  Texts of Terror: Literary-Feminist Readings of Biblical Narratives, Overtures to Biblical Theology.  Philadelphia: Fortress, 1984.
Tull, Patricia K. and Jacqueline E. Lapsley, eds.  After Exegesis: Feminist Biblical Theology.  Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press, 2015.
Washington, Harold, Susan Lochrie Graham, and Pamela Thimmes.   Escaping Eden: New Feminist Perspectives on the Bible.  New York: New York University Press, 1999.
Weems, Renita J.  "Reading Her Way through the Struggle: African American Women and the Bible."  In Stony the Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation (ed. Cain Hope Felder; Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1991) 57-77.
--------.  Just A Sister Away: A Womanist Vision of Women's Relationships in the Bible.  San Diego: LuraMedia, 1998.
Charmé, Stuart Z.  "Children's Gendered Responses to the Story of Adam and Eve."  JFSR 13:2 (1997) 27-44.
Doyle, Brian.  "The Sin of Sodom: y da', y da', y da'? A Reading of the Mamre-Sodom Narrative in Genesis 18-19."  Theology and Sexuality 5:9 (1998) 84-100.
Erbele-Küster, Dorothea.  Body, Gender and Purity in Leviticus 12 and 15, LHB/OTS 539.  London: Bloomsbury, 2017.
Fuchs, Esther.  "Structure and Patriarchal Functions in the Biblical Betrothal Type-Scene: Some Preliminary Notes."  JFSR 3:1 (1987) pages.
Glancy, Jennifer A.  "The Mistress-Slave Dialectic: Paradoxes of Slavery in Three LXX Narratives."  Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 72 (1996) 71-87.
Kvam, Kristen E., Linda S. Schearing and Valarie H. Ziegler.  Eve and Adam: Jewish, Christian, and Muslim Readings on Genesis and Gender.   Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1999.
Matskevich, Karalina.  Construction of Gender and Identity in Genesis: The Subject and the Other, LHB/OTS 647.  New York: Bloomsbury, 2019.
Toensing, Holly Joan.  "Women of Sodom and Gomorrah: Collateral Damage in the War against Homosexuality?"  JFSR 21:2 (2005) 61-74.
Dube Shomanah, Musa.  Postcolonial Feminist Interpretation of the Bible.  St. Louis: Chalice, 2000.
Fuchs, Esther.  "Marginalization, Ambiguity, Silencing: The Story of Jephthah’s Daughter."  JFSR 5:1 (1989) 35-45.
Hens-Piazza, Gina.  "Forms of Violence and the Violence of Forms: Two Cannibal Mothers before a King (2 Kings 6:24-33)."  JFSR 14:2 (1998) 91-104.
Maier, Christl M. and Carolyn J. Sharp, eds.  Prophecy and Power: Jeremiah in Feminist and Postcolonial Perspective, Library of Biblical Studies/Old Testament Studies 577.  London: Bloomsbury, 2013.
Shields, Mary E.  "Multiple Exposures: Body Rhetoric and Gender Characterizations in Ezekiel 16."  JFSR 14:1 (1998) 5-18.
Stökl, Jonathan and Corrine L. Carvalho, eds.  Prophets Male and Female: Gender and Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible, the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Ancient Near East, SBL Ancient Israel and Its Literature 15.  Atlanta: Society of Biblical Literature, 2013.
Yee, Gale A." "Ideological Criticism: Judges 17–21 and the Dismembered Body."  In Judges and Method: New Approaches in Biblical Studies (ed. Gale A. Yee; Minneapolis: Fortress, 1995) 146-70.
Exum, J. Cheryl.  "Developing Strategies of Feminist Criticism/Developing Strategies for Commentating on the Song of Songs."  In Auguries: The Jubilee Volume of the Sheffield Department of Biblical Studies (ed. David J. A. Clines and Stephen D. Moore; JSOTSup 269; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998) 206-249.
Hunter, David G.  "The Virgin, the Bride, and the Church: Reading Psalm 45 in Ambrose, Jerome, and Augustine."  Church History 69:2 (2000) 281-303.
Levine, Amy-Jill.  "Hemmed In on Every Side: Jews and Women in the Book of Susanna."  In Reading from this Place (ed. Fernando F. Segovia and Mary Ann Tolbert; Minneapolis: Fortress, 1993.
Low, Katherine.  The Bible, Gender, and Reception History: The Case of Job's Wife, The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies 586.  London: Bloomsbury, 2013.
Masenya, Madipoane J.  "Ngwetši (Bride): The Naomi-Ruth Story from an African-South African Woman's Perspective."  JFSR 14:2 (1998) 81-90.
Jewish Apocrypha & Pseudepigrapha
D'Angelo, Mary Rose.  "Roman Imperial Family Values and the Sexual Politics of 4 Maccabees and the Pastorals."  Biblical Interpretation 11:2 (2003) 139-65.
Levine, Amy-Jill.  "Sacrifice and Salvation: Otherness and Domestication in the Book of Judith."In"No One Spoke Ill of Her": Essays on Judith (ed. James C. VanderKam; SBLEJL 2; Atlanta, Georgia: Scholars Press, 1992) 17-30.
White, Sidnie Ann.  "In the Steps of Jael and Deborah: Judith as Heroine."  In"No One Spoke Ill of Her": Essays on Judith (ed. James C. VanderKam; SBLEJL 2; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1992) 5-16.
Beavis, Mary Ann.  "From the Margin to the Way: A Feminist Reading of the Story of Bartimaeus."  JFSR 14:1 (1998) 19-39.
Connolly, Michele A.  Disorderly Women and the Order of God: An Australian Feminist Reading of the Gospel of Mark.  New York: T&T Clark, 2018.
Davidson, Jo Ann.  "John 4: Another Look at the Samaritan Woman."  AUSS 43:1 (2005) 159-68.
Destro, Adriana and Mauro Pesce.  "Fathers and Householders in the Jesus Movement: The Perspective of the Gospel of Luke."  Biblical Interpretation 11:2 (2003) 211-38.
Dube Shomanah, Musa.  Postcolonial Feminist Interpretation of the Bible.  St. Louis: Chalice, 2000.
Elliott, John H.  "The Jesus Movement Was Not Egalitarian but Family-Oriented."  Biblical Interpretation 11:2 (2003) 173-210.
Fehribach, Adeline.  The Women in the Life of the Bridegroom: A Feminist Historical-Literary Analysis of the Female Characters in the Fourth Gospel.  Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 1998.
Gillman, Florence Morgan.  Herodias: At Home in That Fox’s Den, Interfaces.  Collegeville, Minnesota: The Liturgical Press/Michael Glazier, 2003.
Graham, Susan Lochrie.  "Silent Voices: Women in the Gospel of Mark."  Semeia 54 (1991) 145-58.
Harder, Lydia Marlene.  Obedience, Suspicion and the Gospel of Mark: A Mennonite-Feminist Exploration of Biblical Authority.  Waterloo, Ontario: Published for the Canadian Corporation for Studies in Religion = Corporation Canadienne des Sciences Religieuses by Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1998.
Jasper, Alison E.  The Shining Garment of the Text: Gendered Readings of John's Prologue.  Sheffield, England: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998.
Knust, Jennifer and Tommy Wasserman.  To Cast the First Stone: The Transmission of a Gospel Story.  Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2018.
Kraemer, Ross Shepard and Mary Rose D’Angelo, eds.  Women and Christian Origins.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Levine, Amy-Jill et al., eds.   Feminist Companion to the New Testament and Early Christian Writings Series (multiple titles).   Cleveland: Pilgrim.
Martin, Dale B.  Sex and the Single Savior: Gender and Sexuality in Biblical Interpretation.  Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2006.
Nutu, Liliana M.  "The Seduction of Words and Flesh and the Desire of God: A Poststructuralist Reading of John 1:1, 14 and The Pillow Book."  Biblical Interpretation 11:1 (2003) 79-97.
Price, Robert M.  The Widow Traditions in Luke-Acts: A Feminist-Critical Scrutiny.  Atlanta: Scholars, 1997.
Reilly, Frank.  "Jane Schaberg, Raymond E. Brown, and the Problem of the Illegitimacy of Jesus."  JFSR 21:1 (2005) 57-80.
Resnick, Irven M.  "Marriage in Medieval Culture: Consent Theory and the Case of Joseph and Mary."  Church History 69:2 (2000) 350-71.
Schaberg, Jane.  "Feminist Interpretations of the Infancy Narrative of Matthew."  JFSR 13:1 (1997) 35-62.
Talbott, Rick.  "Imagining the Matthean Eunuch Community: Kyriarchy on the Chopping Block."  JFSR 22:1 (2006) 21-43.
Taylor, Marion Ann and Heather E. Weir, eds.  Women in the Story of Jesus: The Gospels through the Eyes of Nineteenth-Century Female Biblical Interpreters.  Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 2016.
Thysell, Carol.  "Unearthing the Treasure, Unknitting the Napkin: The Parable of the Talents as a Justification for Early Modern Women’s Preaching and Prophesying."  JFSR 15:1 (1999) 7-20.
Wainwright, Elaine Mary.  Shall We Look for Another? A Feminist Reading of the Matthean Jesus.  Maryknoll, New York: Orbis, 1998.
Paul & Acts of the Apostles
Abrahamsen, Valerie.  "Women at Philippi: The Pagan and Christian Evidence."  JFSR 3:2 (1987) 17-30.
Anderson, Janice Capel.  "Reading Tabitha: A Feminist Reception History."  In The New Literary Criticism and the New Testament (ed. Edgar V. McKnight and Elizabeth Struthers Malbon; Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: Trinity Press International, 1994; original, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994) 108-144.
Briggs, Sheila.  "Buried with Christ: The Politics of Identity and the Poverty of Interpretation."  In The Book and the Text: The Bible and Literary Theory (ed. Regina Schwartz; New York: Blackwell, 1990) 276-303.
Castelli, Elizabeth A.  "Allegories of Hagar: Reading Galatians 4:21-31 with Postmodern Feminist Eyes."  In The New Literary Criticism and the New Testament (ed. Edgar V. McKnight and Elizabeth Struthers Malbon; Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: Trinity Press International, 1994; original, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994) 228-50.
--------.  "Interpretations of Power in 1 Corinthians."  Semeia 54 (1991) 197-222.
Collins, Raymond F.  Accompanied by a Believing Wife: Ministry and Celibacy in the Earliest Christian Communities.  Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2013.
D’Angelo, Mary Rose.  "Women Partners in the New Testament."  JFSR 6:1 (1990) 65-86.
Dornisch, Loretta.  Paul and Third World Women Theologians.  Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 1999.
Epp, Eldon Jay.  Junia: The First Woman Apostle.  Minneapolis: Fortress, 2005.
Kraemer, Ross Shepard and Mary Rose D’Angelo, eds.  Women and Christian Origins.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Levine, Amy-Jill et al., eds.   Feminist Companion to the New Testament and Early Christian Writings Series (multiple titles).   Cleveland: Pilgrim.
Marchal, Joseph A.  "Imperial Intersections and Initial Inquiries: Toward a Feminist, Postcolonial Analysis of Philippians."  JFSR 22:2 (2006) 5-32.
Martin, Dale B.  The Corinthian Body.  New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1999.
Rossi, Mary Ann.  "Priesthood, Precedent, and Prejudice: On Recovering the Women Priests of Early Christianity.  JFSR 7:1 (1991) 73-93.
Westfall, Cynthia Long.  Paul and Gender: Reclaiming the Apostle's Vision for Men and Women in Christ.  Grand Rapids, Michigan: Baker Academic, 2016.
Later Epistles
D’Angelo, Mary Rose.  "Ευ̉σέβεια: Roman Imperial Family Values and the Sexual Politics of 4 Maccabees and the Pastorals."  Biblical Interpretation 11:2 (2003) 139-65.
Kraemer, Ross Shepard and Mary Rose D'Angelo, eds.  Women and Christian Origins.  New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
Levine, Amy-Jill et al., eds.   Feminist Companion to the New Testament and Early Christian Writings Series (multiple titles).  Cleveland: Pilgrim.
MacDonald, Margaret Y.  Early Christian Women and Pagan Opinion: The Power of the Hysterical Woman.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 1996.
Martin, Clarice J.  "The Haustafeln (Household Codes) in African American Biblical Interpretation: 'Free Slaves' and 'Subordinate Women.'"  In Stony the Road We Trod: African American Biblical Interpretation (ed. Cain Hope Felder; Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1991) 206-231.
Keller, Catherine.  Apocalypse Now and Then: A Feminist Guide to the End of the World.  Boston: Beacon, 1996.
--------.  God and Power: Counter-Apocalyptic Journeys.  Minneapolis: Fortress, 2005.
Levine, Amy-Jill et al., eds.  Feminist Companion to the New Testament and Early Christian Writings Series (multiple titles).  Cleveland: Pilgrim.
Pippin, Tina.  Death and Desire: The Rhetoric of Gender in the Apocalypse of John.  Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 1992.
--------.  "Peering into the Abyss: A Postmodern Reading of the Biblical Bottomless Pit."  In The New Literary Criticism and the New Testament (ed. Edgar V. McKnight and Elizabeth Struthers Malbon; Valley Forge, Pennsylvania: Trinity Press International, 1994; original, Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994) 251-67.
Christian Apocrypha
Eykel, Eric M. Vanden.  "But Their Faces Were All Looking Up": Author and Reader in the Protoevangelium of James, The Reception of Jesus in the First Three Centuries 1.  New York: Bloomsbury, 2016.
Munro, Winsome.  "Women Disciples: Light from Secret Mark."  JFSR 8:1 (1992) 47-64.
Schüssler Fiorenza, Elisabeth.  In Memory of Her: A Feminist Theological Reconstruction of Christian Origins.  New York: Crossroad, 1983.

Queer Interpretation of Scripture
General Studies & Resources
Abraham, Ibrahim.  "'On the Doorstep of the Work': Ricoeurian Hermeneutics, Queer Hermeneutics, and Scripture."  The Bible and Critical Theory 3:1 (2007) 04.1-04.12.
Barton, Stephen C.  "Is the Bible Good News for Human Sexuality? Reflections on Method in Biblical Interpretation."  Theology and Sexuality 1:9 (1994) 42-54.
Goss, Robert and Mona West, eds.  Take Back the Word: A Queer Reading of the Bible.  Cleveland: Pilgrim, 2000.
Guest, Deryn, Robert E. Goss, Mona West, and Thomas Bohache, eds.  The Queer Bible Commentary.  London: SCM, 2006.
Hornsby, Teresa J. and Deryn Guest.  Transgender, Intersex, and Biblical Interpretation, Semeia Studies 83.  Atlanta: SBL Press, 2016.
Koch, Timothy R.  "A Homoerotic Approach to Scripture."  Theology and Sexuality 8:3 (2001) 10-22. [check bibliographic record] .
Loughlin, Gerard.  "Biblical Bodies."  Theology and Sexuality 12:1 (2005) 9-27.
Martin, Dale B.  Sex and the Single Savior: Gender and Sexuality in Biblical Interpretation.  Louisville: Westminster John Knox, 2006.
Moore, Stephen D.  "Gigantic God: Yahweh's Body."  JSOT 70 (1996) 87-115.
--------.  God's Beauty Parlor: And Other Queer Spaces in and around the Bible, Contraversions: Jews and Other Differences Series.  Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2001.
--------.  "True Confessions and Weird Obsessions: Autobiographical Interventions in Literary and Biblical Studies."  Semeia 72 (1995) 19-51.
Moore, Stephen D. and J. Cheryl Exum, eds.  Biblical Studies/Cultural Studies: The Third Sheffield Colloquium, Gender, Culture, Theory 7/JSOT Supplement Series, 266.  Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998.
Schneider, Laurel C.  "Queer Theory."  In Handbook of Postmodern Biblical Interpretation (ed. A. K. M. Adam; St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2000) 206-212.
Simpson, Robert Hamilton.  "How to Be Fashionably Queer: Reminding the Church of the Importance of Sexual Stories."  Theology and Sexuality 11:1 (2005) 97-108.
Stone, Ken.  "Homosexuality and the Bible or Queer Reading? A Response to Martti Nissinen."  Theology and Sexuality 14 (2001) 107-118.
--------.  Practicing Safer Texts: Food, Sex and Bible in Queer Perspective, Queering Theology.  London: T & T Clark, 2005.
--------.  Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible, JSOTSup 334.  Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 2001.
--------.  "Sexuality."  In Handbook of Postmodern Biblical Interpretation (ed. A. K. M. Adam; St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2000) 233-8.
Tolbert, Mary Ann.  "Gender."  In Handbook of Postmodern Biblical Interpretation (ed. A. K. M. Adam; St. Louis: Chalice Press, 2000) 99-105.
West, Mona.  "Reading the Bible as Queer Americans: Social Location and the Hebrew Scriptures."  Theology and Sexuality 6:10 (1999) 28-42.
Cheng, Patrick S.  "Multiplicity and Judges 19: Constructing a Queer Asian Pacific American Biblical Hermeneutic."  Semeia 90-91 (2002) 119-133.
Macwilliam, Stuart.  "Queering Jeremiah."  Biblical Interpretation 10:4 (2002) 384-404.
Brenner, Athalya.  "Gazing Back at the Shulammite, Yet Again."  Biblical Interpretation 11:3-4 (2003) 295-300.
--------.  "Pornoprophetics Revisited: Some Additional Reflections."   Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 70 (1996) 63-86.
Burrus, Virginia and Stephen D. Moore.  "Unsafe Sex: Feminism, Pornography, and the Song of Songs."  Biblical Interpretation 11:1 (2003) 24-52.
Giles, Terry and William J. Doan.  The Story of Naomi—The Book of Ruth: From Gender to Politics, Biblical Performance Criticism 13.  Eugene, Oregon: Cascade, 2016.
Moore, Stephen D.  "The Song of Songs in the History of Sexuality."   Church History 69:2 (2000) 328-49.
Powell, Stephanie Day.  Narrative Desire and the Book of Ruth, The Library of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament Studies, Playing the Texts 662.  New York: T&T Clark, 2018.
Powell, Stephanie Day, Amy Beth Jones and Dong Sung Kim.  "Reading Ruth, Reading Desire."  In The Oxford Handbook of Biblical Literature (ed. Danna Nolan Fewell; Oxford Handbooks Online; New York: Oxford University Press, 2016).  DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199967728.013.20.
Jewish Apocrypha & Pseudepigrapha
Sawyer, Deborah F.  "Dressing Up/Dressing Down: Power, Performance and Identity in the Book of Judith."  Theology and Sexuality 9 (2001) 23-31. [check bibliographic record]
Moore, Stephen D.  "The Gospel of the Look."  Semeia 54 (1991) 159-96.
--------.  "Some Ugly Thoughts on the Fourth Gospel at the Threshold of the Third Millenium."  In More Interpretations Than the World Can Contain: Readers and Readings of the Fourth Gospel (ed. Fernando Segovia; SBL Symposium Series 4; Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1998) 239-47.
--------.  "Ugly Thoughts: On the Face and Physique of the Historical Jesus."  In Biblical Studies/Cultural Studies: The Third Sheffield Colloquium (ed. J. Cheryl Exum and Stephen D. Moore; Gender, Culture, Theory 7/JSOTSup266; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998) 376-99.
Paul & Acts of the Apostles
Daniell, Anne.  "The Spiritual Body: Incarnations of Pauline and Butlerian Embodiment Themes for Constructive Theologizing toward the Parousia."  JFSR 16:1 (2000) 5-22.
Moore, Stephen D.  "Que(e)rying Paul."  In Auguries: The Jubilee Volume of the Sheffield Department of Biblical Studies (ed. David J. A. Clines and Stephen D. Moore; JSOTSup 269; Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1998) 250-74.
--------.  "Radical Orthodox Sex? Francis Watson's Pauline Sexual Ethic."  JSNT 25:1 (2002) 97-107.
Townsley, Gillian.  "Gender Trouble in Corinth: Que(e)rying Constructs of Gender in 1 Corinthians 11:2-16."  The Bible and Critical Theory 2:2 (2006) 17.1-17.14.
--------.  "The Straight Mind in Corinth: Queer Readings across 1 Corinthians 11:2-16.  Atlanta: SBL Press, 2017.
Watson, Francis.  "Spaces Sacred and Profane: Stephen Moore, Sex and the Bible."  JSNT 25:1 (2002) 109-117.
Later Epistles
Moore, Stephen D.  "Revolting Revelations."  In The Personal Voice in Biblical Interpretation (ed. Ingrid Rosa Kitzberger; New York: Routledge, 1999) 183-200.
--------.  Untold Tales from the Book of Revelation: Sex and Gender, Empire and Ecology, Resources for Biblical Study 79.  Atlanta: SBL Press, 2014.
Christian Apocrypha & Later Christian Traditions
Lillie, Celene.  The Rape of Eve: The Transformation of Roman Ideology in Three Early Christian Retellings of Genesis.  Minneapolis: Fortress, 2017.

Jewish Ethics

Christian Ethics
Iozzio, Mary Jo and Patricia Beattie Jung, eds.  Sex and Gender: Christian Ethical Reflections.  Washington, D. C.: Georgetown University Press, 2017.
Salzman, Todd A. and Michael G. Lawler.  Sexual Ethics: A Theological Introduction.  Washington, D. C.: Georgetown University Press, 2012.
--------.  The Sexual Person: Toward a Renewed Catholic Anthropology, Moral Traditions.  Washington, D. C.: Georgetown University Press, 2008.